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Rooted in design, systems thinking, and facilitation, my approach is underpinned by an analytical mindset, ensuring the creation of intuitive products, no matter how intricate or complex the technology behind the interface.

I specialize in web-based tools, with most of my experience in designing community, finance, and automation technologies (B2B SaaS & B2C). Whether collaborating with international startup teams or contributing to academic and cultural research initiatives, I thrive on turning ideas into tangible, user-centric solutions.


The Entoptic Field Camera as Metaphor-Driven Research-through-Design with AI Technologies.
Benjamin, J. J., Biggs, H., Berger, A., Rukanskaitė, J., Heidt, M. B., Merrill, N., ... & Lindley, J. (2023, April). In Proceedings of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 1-19).

Tuning into uncertainty: A material exploration of object detection through play.
Interaction Design thesis

MOP (Magic of Persia) Foundation Newsletter, Spring'18
Contributing Writer

site developed by Julija Rukanskaitė, based on software by Rasmus Andersson, 2019